Sanding between basecoats


New member
Do any of you sand after three or four coats of base and then re coat? If so, what are the procedures and products that you use? What kind of results does this produce with metallic base coats?



New member
Base coats are not meant to be sanded and metallics present particular problems in that the metallic pigment tend to align in sanding scratches, which looks a lot like scratches in the color. As a general rule your primer is the last thing you will sand unless you cut and buff. Once your primer is sanded you either go directly to color and then on to clear or you shoot a sealer and then go directly to color and on to clear with no sanding inbetween any of the coats.


Staff member
To add to what Kong said, every now and then you'll get a chunk of dirt that you'll need to nib before clearing. When you sand this spec down, of course you'll need to recoat that area with the base color.