Sanding intercoat clear?/



Hi guys, been a while since I posted. I ran on some hard times, and had to let the painting sit till I could pay the bills again..

Anyway, I've got a tank and fender that I had painted black and cleared back a few months ago.

My question-- I've done some spot wetsanding with 1500 to smooth out a few imperfections. Can I just scuff with a scotchbrite pad and then do my flames and final clear?? I'm not sure whether the clear will flow into the 1500 scratches or not... I'm using PPG Omni clear, by the way.




New member
For whats its worth.... I have had clear flow into 400 grit with no problem. You know that black base shows it all but, clear is a little more forgiving.



Sorry to hear that Chopper!! Hope you're back up on 2 wheels soon with the wind in your face and a few bucks in your pocket to grab a beer (or4) at the watering hole!! ---- Peace! Bones!~


New member
Sorry Chopper, I kinda miss read your post. Your going to other extreme with the sand paper. I would try to get down to 1000 but, maybe 1500 is fine. Perhaps someone has a better idea than I.



Dave, Thanks for your help, this morning I tested with 1500 on a scrap fender that was painted dark blue and it worked just fine. I'm hoping the black stuff comes out as good.

Bones, thanks for the well wishes man, I got laid off my job in April, and still haven't found anything. "Overqualified" is a nasty word... I had to sell my bike in May, and it was like selling a child. But, the money I made off of it allowed me to pay the bills and feed the family for a few months. My fiance had been staying at home with the kids, but she started working this week, so I'm hoping things will get better here soon. Just trying to offload some of these parts that I was in the middle of painting.



New member
Chopper,keep your head up man.Things come in cycles so if it starts looking good it usually will for a while,just remember you hit the top of the hill in the future and go down again so have a stash ready.For your Q,no prob at all.If I pull out paper to knock stuff out I'll usually do the whole part and then hit the remainder with a wet grey scuffy,but good modern clear will fill even scuffy marks no prob.Truthfully I only grab 1500 to do a light nip of the base or a first or second scuff for buffung.