sanding runs out of clear

still a newb here. I just shot some clear and it has a few runs in it... How long should you wait to wet sand it from the time you shoot it. I checked the tech sheets for dry times but it didn't have sanding, only dust, tack, tape and polish? Another question i have is (sorry if there is already a thread on this) but I understand the process of fixing runs as this:

1. sand it out with like 600
2. touch it up with like 1200

should i recoat it again? or will the 1200 give me the results i need?

I also heard you can use a razor blade to shave it down, then sand it lightly?

any help would be nice.


This really depends on how bad the runs are. If they aren't too bad, you can take a broken paint stick (about 5" long) and wrap a small piece of 1000 around it (wrap at least a couple times to help cushion it). Once you get it blocked out, switch to 1500 hand sand (no stick), then buff.

This only works if you do not have a big 'head' on the run. If you do, you can start with the stick and 800, but only try to hit the head, then switch to 1000 on the stick, then hand 1500, then buff. This also only works as long as you don't have any solvent pop in the run (very small white bubbles) in the run.

If it feels tacking, I would not suggest doing it. Wait until it's nice and hard. Normally you can 'check' the day after clearing. You may have to wait 204 days after though.

Yes, you can use a razor blade, but you have to be pretty good to do this.

Another trick, is next time you paint something and you get a run. Take a piece of tape, and hold it tight between both your right and left hands, then carefully touch the run, this will flatten it down somewhat. This will at least keep the 'head' off the run, and give you a fighting chance to block it out.

thanks taz

thanks man ill give it a shot. any recomendations on buffing compound to use, I have never buffed anything before. the process of how to do it too would be awesome as well