Self Etcing Issues



Hey all,

I have been lurking for a while and just started my project.

I have a rear fender off a Harley that was damaged. I hammered out the wrinkle best I could, used Evercoat Lite Weight to fill and then sprayed SEM Etching primer on the bare spots. I then proceeded to shoot the fender with a sandable primer. The issue I have now is when I went to wet sand with 600 and a few of the bare (etched) spots sanded off on the first pass rite down to bare metal.:freak: Prior to the Self Etch, I cleaned the fender with NAPTHA prior to shooting the area with SEM. The rest of the areas seem to be holding up well after the wet sanding.

I am at a loss as this is my first shot at painting and I would appreciate all the help I can get.



Staff member
Hi AfterTithes,
Welcome to the Custom Paint Forum!

Not for sure what you are asking. Are you asking what to do with the areas that you sanded through the etch primer before you actually spray the paint?


Yes sir, that is the information I am requesting. I do not have the funds at the moment to buy a proper primer gun, I do have a decent HVLP to spray BC/CC with. I just barly touched the "issue" ares with the 600 and it was like to etch/primer just wiped off. I almost feel like if I blew on it too hard it would of come rite off.

Hope this helps,



Staff member
Ah okay, sounds like possibly didn't mix it correctly or let it cure enough. Sounds like it got 'sandwiched' under the next coats that you put over it.

You'll probably need to remove all the paint that you put on and redo it, or at least the few areas that came up on you. If you have a good 2-part primer, just use that and bypass the etch primer.


Thats what I was afraid of. I was trying to get away with not having to buy a new gun to spray to part primer. I guess I am glad it is a fender and not w hood! Would a 50 dollar primer gun be ok to spay this? Sorry for all the ?, just want to do this rite.