SEM candy concentrates



Has anyone used any of SEM's candy concentrates and what do you think of them if you have. They are pretty just add a capful or so to your clear and spray over your choice of base colors. I've made some pretty neat flames using the stuff.


New member
Yeah I used them. I sprayed a Harley with black the masked off and sprayed silver met flames, un masked and cleared with the dark blue die in the clear, then 3 coats of regular clear. Big mistake, in the sun the black turned and ugly purple....

I think real Kandy is better if your going to do flames and stuff, less build up...


New member
That stuff is real candy,just made in unmixed form like HOKs concentrate.The fake candies are 3 stage colors on production cars and HOKs candy basecoat.A true candy is a colored dye added to a clear with a little more body (or solids) to it than intercoat clear.The ones made with intercoat clear give a candy effect but are really lacking in the depth department.The 3stage colors are paint cleared down,not a dye.Candies leave a serious edge ,the more depth you want the worst the edge.


New member
Yes this is what I was worried about if I shoot my bike in a Kandy and clear it out, then wet sand, add silver base and another Kandy color for flames and cleared it all.....BIG edge..lots of sanding and possible more clearing....

Can you elaborate the best way to spray and over all Kandy and a set of Kandy flames over that?


I've been using some fo HOK candy intensifiers. For my flames I sprayed down Orion silver then mixed the brandywine with the sg100 and sprayed 5 coats of that over it. The tape pulled good and 2 coats of clear hid all the edges. Seems like there is very little build doing it this way.


New member
using the intercoat clear will be your thinnest edge.You won't get the depth of using a thicker clear but it'll still look great.If the same candy will be used over the whole thing and the flames it's easier to base the part and throw a coat of intercoat clear down,tape off the flames and base them.After you unmask it clear it.Sand the edge out then candy and reclear.It'll probably come out a little thinner in the end which is always good.


New member

Im going with a Kandy green over all and then adding kandy purple flames over the green. Whats the best method, the base is going to be the same color for both green and purple....



New member
The usual way is the easiest,I'd hate to try protecting the base for one candy and try retaping the other to finish for the sake of millage.Being candys the tapeline will probably look aweful anyway.


New member
Well I was going to base it all, then do the first kandy over parts and frame and then clear over that. Then I was going to wet sand the clear, tape off flames shoot base and kandy, unmask and clear all. Then sand buff...


New member
Yeah man definately easier.Blow a coat of intercoat clear before the base for the flames,it'll help eliminate the base edge showing bad when you pull the tape.