SEM Hot Rod Black HR010


New member
Hi all, I was wondering if anybody can give me some advice on that SEM hot rod back? I am a painter of 16 years i have sprayed parts with this paint and they all turned out good,but i have never sprayed a whole car. Well i painted a friends 62 impala with this SEM and I got stripes on the deck lid,roof,and hood. I cant figure out why this happens with alot of flat clears and paint. I put a medium coat let it flash then i put a wet coat like the last coat of clear. It looked uniformed till it dried,I am using a arnest iwata lph-400.If anybody can help thanks!


Staff member
Hmmm, not for sure why it would be getting stripes when the last coat is sprayed wet. I did a Jeep a couple months ago and did the last coat wet and it turned out fine.
Possibly try wet coat, then wetcoat. Or, maybe the reducer you used was too fast for the temperature.. I did add a little 'slow' reducer to it to slow it down since it was about 100.


New member
Years ago I did a hot rod blackpaint job on a station wagon with scallops . I noticed it was starting to strip also . I opened up the fan setting and this solved the problem . I was running a tighter fan at the time .


New member
I painted a 55 chevy flat black, flatting the clear, and I had the same thing happen, use a lower temp reducer, try to keep it open longer and try to cross coat.


Staff member
Yea, I talked to a SEM rep. Right now, they only have the one reducer. At the time, it was WAY too fast for FL hot weather. SO I added some HOK slow reducer. That helped.
Anyway, he said that they would possibly come out with a fast, med, and slow for the Hot Rod Black.