Sorry- new to the board.....



I am new to the board so, what I am looking for is, info on how to overlap color shifting ghost flames, and keep them outlined so it looks as though they really are overlapping and individual flames. Also new to painting as a whole as well as flaming. Thanks in advance for any helpful info!


I haven't done a bike yet either, but I always tape, spray and then pinstripe(with a brush) for accent, this will show the outline and give depth. As well as show the crossover.


If you use an air brush and a business card for a sheild you can spray a shadow to give the lapping effect /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bigokay.gif


Well, I would stay away from striping a job like you just described unless U are a very good pin striper or you have a lot of time to tape either side of the pin stripe then use a brush(stripping) to fill the gap between the tape in. You can tape off the flames, shoot the color of your outline, then tape off your out line (butting the tape up against the original flame tape), then re-shoot the base color, then airbrush the edges with your color shifting paint. But that's a ton of work for some stripes. Just drop shadowing it would probably be your best bet and easiest to do.

I'm guessing you are using black for a base or something very dark. If you're using black then it's real easy for the drop shadow because you can use the same color black to go over the flames and not have to worry about drop shadowing the rest of the bike. Just tape off the over lapping flame and use an airbrush with an over reduced black (Normally you over reduce anyways to get better flow out of the airbrush). Then point and shoot. Start with the least amount of pull back on the airbrush as possible because its always easier to make something darker then have to lighten back up /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bigokay.gif.