splatter effect


New member
hi, i'm thinking about trying a splatter effect on some alloys of mine or maybe my rocker cover etc. I'm thinking like a black base with purple or red splatter. i was just wondering if anyone here has had any experience with splatter effects. Just looking for tips really as the only method i can think of is to dip a mixing stick in the paint and simply flick the paint on but this is obviously rather unpredictable What do guys think? I'm relativity new to spraying as well so i think this could be to advanced for me. thanks


Staff member

I have a couple different ways I do it. One is put some paint in your gun and turn down the pressure VERY low. You will get splatter or spots of paint.
You can control how big or small the spots are.
Also, you can put some paint on a brush and just sling the paint onto the surface.

I'm sure some other members have some other ways they can share


Back in the 80's I did a few like that. Did it just the way you say, but you have to work out just how much paint is on the stick, how mush distance to the object, and speed of the "flick" I found I got better spatter, instead of just blobs, or dots, if I flung my arm at the part, but hit my other arm, to stop it suddenly.


New member
The way chopolds does it, with a stick or a brush, both work good. But cover your self and any thing you don't want paint on, and have some fun.


New member
The way we do it is we hold the airbrush in our right hand and the airline in the left. We fold the airline and squeeze it at the same time activating the airbrush. You can adjust the spray pattern by gently releasing the pressure on the airline.


New member
I saw a guy doing it one time using a plastic fork and swinging his arm.

I thought to myself, "There is no way in hell I would ever pay to have that done to my car!"