tape edge



Just finished pulling the tape off my first flame job. Use a chamelion flame over black. My problem is, that there seems to be an edge where th tape was. Seems logical since the paint was built up in that area. I guess im just worried that after I clear it again, it will show. Any ideas in fixing this? I thought about trying to just hit the edge with a little 2000 paper, but I know you shouldnt with the chamelion. The edge is a little lighter color so it is visible. Also, I can sand them out, but there is major tape marks left behind. The tape was on for a few days, is that too long? I just want it to look seamless after I clear.



Maybe someone else knows an alternative but I'd say you're going to have to pinstripe the flame. That is, if the edge is discolored like you say.


Shoot your clear, a good three coats. Sand down the edge untill you cant feel it anymore, dont go too far or you will break through! Hit it again with three coats.


New member
The tape tracks depend if the paint was still fresh when you taped it.I just left a Lincoln Mark8 totally taped out for flames over the weekend but the base was cleared with intercoat and scuffed after it sat a week (it sat because it's an ongoing project).It left tapetracks too but they'll melt away when cleared unless you taped too soon.The light edge is probably from the buildup on the tapeline and I kind of like the hairline 'stripe' when ghosting in coats of candies.The only way to cure it is to put each coat on very thin so it won't flow and collect up against the tape.All you can do is clear it now to see how it looks and if it's fine do as Tiller said to lose the edge.