tip size for .015 (1/64th) flake????


New member
Hi...wondering the tip size for .015 (1/64th) flake.

I was figuring 1.7mm. I am sure you guys have some advice.



New member
Hi Drums,
I got a flake job coming up soon, the same 1/64 flake.
Lotta people tell me the 1.8mm is too small and will clog, but I'm not so sure about that.
Would you please let me know how it goes when you do your flake job, if soon.


New member
FYI, I shot HOK 1/64th thru my 1.5mm tip on a DeVilbiss GTI gun. All I was spraying was a lawnmower and it worked out fine. Can't say if it would clog up on a bigger job or not. Just shake it up now and again and I'm sure you'll be fine on smaller jobs.



New member
Thanks Stretch,
That helps me out a lot. I was planning on using the Devilbiss Finishline II gun with the 1.6 tip.
The flake will be mixed with HOK brandywine candy for the first coat only. Then one or two more coats of brandywine, then cleared.
Or, I might just mix the flake with SG-100 and spray over black base, then apply the kandy.
I'm not sure which way would be best and too much buildup is also a consideration.
Maybe I'd best go with the flake mixed with first coat of kandy. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/foreheadslap.gif


New member
I wouldn't recommend spraying the flakes with SG-100, it's just not meant to build. I also wouldn't mix it with the Kandy as the flakes will cause high/low spots which will cause the Kandy to have an uneven appearance. I'd shot the base followed by some flake in a clear and then bury those flakes with a few more coats of just clear. Let that cure then wetsand so you've got a smooth surface to spray the flake over. I could be wrong but that's what I'd do.



New member
You guys ever heard of the FlakeBuster? It's from Old School Flake and it kicks a$$. You can shoot any flake up to 1/8" thru it with no problems at all. It saves on paint massively & you won't have runs all over the place because you had to open up the nozzle of your clear gun. It's built for OSF by Snap-On and comes with a 2 oz. flake cup. I sell them at trade shows and swap meets. They usually retail for $210, but since Scott said it was ok to post this I will sell them to anyone who gets the notion thru FlamesBoard for $179 + shipping. These things are really the coolest if you're into flake. Go to oldschoolflake.com to see it. Ask Scott to pass on my email if you're interested. The way they work is easy...
1. prep topcoat surface normally and lay a wet coat of clear on.
2. unhook your clear gun and hook up your flakebuster with the desired flake in the jar.
3. blow the flake on until you get it just the way you want it.
4. unscrew the flake jar.
5. blow the flake down flat with the flakebuster without flakejar.
6. lay another wet coat of clear over the top.
two coats of paint, all the flake you want and no runs (If you know how to lay down the clear...) + you can have big old monster flake like a bassboat and not have to worry about your gun tip!
Let me know if you want to hear more. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


New member
Hi Stretch,
I'm confused, or is this a typo;

<Let that cure then wetsand so you've got a smooth surface to spray the flake over>

Did you mean 'wetsand so you've got a smooth surface to spray the KANDY over?'



New member
Hi Flamethrower,
Yes, I was told about the Flake Buster some time ago and since then I've been tooling around with different setups and have made a working flake thrower similar to the Flake Buster.
I still have a few more tweaks to make it throw flake just how I want it but I'm almost there.
If I don't get it to do exactly what I want, I may be in touch re the Flake Buster.
