What is the best spray paint to use for a motorcycle?



im living in the Philippines so for those Filipinos out there who have mmotorcycles of their own, pls help me choose the best spray paint for a motorcycle..thanks


Staff member
Welcome! Pretty much choose any paint you would like to spray. Their are your cheaper paints, and you have your more expensive paints. Do you have a paint supplier near by? Or do you have to order online?


New member
im living in the Philippines so for those Filipinos out there who have mmotorcycles of their own, pls help me choose the best spray paint for a motorcycle..thanks
Try anything 2K I like mid-top shelf stuff. No aerosol 1K stuff.


New member
If you really wanna spray with a rattle can Roth Rattle Bomb is a good name brand. I ordered some and have not yet sprayed it but from all the work with it that i have seen it looks like it lays nice. Personally im not sure how there clear works or what clear to use with it but as for the actual paint its god stuff although a little costly. Ya do always get what ya pay for though


Staff member
Looks like they do not use a hardener.
Sounds like you can use the spray can, then spray either one of their spray can clears over the candy or flake, or you can spray an automotive clear over it....at least from what I gather on the website.