What should it be painted?


Staff member
Looks pretty cool the way it is now.
But, what I would probably do is a 2-tone using a couple colors that I like. Those have nice bodylines to work with. Possibly a black and another color. If you put black on the top surfaces, it tends to make it look heavy (which is cool).

Nice 'burb though!!!


Staff member
By the way, I'm a member of that forum. I hang out in the 60-66 forum along with the paint and body section every once in while.


New member
I though I recognized your name, and not just from Looney Toons. lol

The truck was originally blue, but the chief that owned it got a $200 crap paint job put on, he was terrible at masking stuff, didn't take ANYTHING off, and the clear started coming off after 6 months. And the guy thought bondo was like sex, you do it everywhere. I will unfortunately have to get a bodyshop to do some patch panels where this guy put bondo to fix rust, as I do not have a welder, nor do I know how to weld. The truck looks good from 40ft+ away, any closer and you know it was a $200 job.

I like ALL colors, that's my problem. Plus, a suburban is so big, too much of the wrong color will be overwhelming. I love old school heavy flake, but I dont know if it would look good on this thing. I dont have the kind of money to paint the whole truck just to find out it is too much of the color. Ugh, decisions, decisions.


Staff member
Yea, you end up paying for a bad paint job the next time around. Lot's of cleanup on the trim and stripping of the paint.
I wouldn't suggest a metalflake job as there are quite a few steps involved in doing this. Plus a ton of materials. You'll easily go over $500 on this....that is, if you went with a 'true' metalflake job. Not just a metallic with a coat of smaller flake over it.


New member
I would do it the new school way, not the old school of dusting flakes over the paint. I would do a black basecoat, then do my clear with 3 parts dark blue flake 1 part black flake. That way I get a darker blue, nobody seems to make a real dark blue.


New member
firstly select a paint based on your choice and my advice is approach a designer for the design of the painting he will tell u better about this