What's the difference between these two binders and balancers?



What\'s the difference between these two binders and balancers?

Dupont Materials

62320F Binder
62330F Balancer

150K and 175K (dont remember which is balancer and which is binder)

The reason I ask is because I am about to mix my B/C, and it calls for the 62320F and the 62330F. I'm out of those, yet I have plenty of the 150K and 175K. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the 62330F and the 62320F made for the chromaPREMIERE, and the 150K and 175K made for just the ChromaBase? If so, will it still work the same if I mix the 150K and 175K with my ChromaPremiere B/C?




New member
Re: What\'s the difference between these two binders and balancers?

Shawn, the only thing different between the Chroma Base and the Premier line is the binders and balancers that you use. You still use the same bases but to make it chroma base use the 150 and 175 to make it premier use the 62320 and 62330. Have also done the same thing and not thought ahead or got to busy and forgot to order and used the chroma base under the 72200 clear that i always use and had no problems. If you were giving warrantys then there would be the issue about the crossing of products other than that no problem