Which paint?


New member
I have recently got a DeVilbliss DAGR airbrush, not compressor yet but I am going to get one with a PSI of ideally 120 as at some point later on and when I start doing big project on things like car bonnets and practise items like bike tanks and helmet I will get hold of a spray gun for doing larger areas.

But I am after some paint that is available in the UK which will suite me, initally I will be doing work on big paper pads, trying stencils etc so I don't mind using water based product probably better for me right now so I don't need to buy face masks, ventilation right now so buying anything other than water base now would be a waste of money. I am looking for a brand that do sets of basic colours for basic things like learning techniques and just work on canvas (what prep do I need to do to canvases before painting?) I don't spending a bit of money on them aslong as they provide quality as no doubt even when I get into metal work I will still stick with graphic illustration kind of work as I study that at college with so I don't want poor quality paint so I don't mind splashing out the extra money for good quality paint. Just a little confused regarding paints as I have seen basic opaque, transparent sets, surely a basic set primary set would be a straight up block effect rather than anything special?

Any help, advice much appreciated, thanks.


'03 zx6r

New member
hey,great choice for a first? Airbrush.
For paint just on paper and practice, you can use createx. Good brand, but there are other water based paints like golden colors.
As far as practicing, it does matter if you get opaque or transparent. It might be easier with trans since it is thinner.

Hope this helps.

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
paint for learning

If you are just starting out, get yourself some Golden. Using Createx and Auto air will drive you crazy. with associated tip dry and spitting.