Will this work?? What's the consensus??


New member
Ok, So I know some guys here have cleared over decals/graphics but I was thinking about trying this...
First off... I truly suk at using an airbrush...so let's not go there :D
This for a project I'll be painting this summer so if need be I can do a trial run.
I was thinking of making a decal on my printer...something like this. Then cut the 'decal' out of the paper.

I'll do my painting as usual, then lay down a coat of clear like normal, then lay down a second coat and while it's wet lay the trimmed decal in the clear (making sure there are no bubbles under it) then once it flashes, lay down another coat or two, and then finish like normal. Whaddya think guys?? Will it work of have I been sniffin' to much paint fumes??? ;)

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
will it work

Hehe , well I don't think you've been sniffin paint fumes,but you may have left the lid off the can. The way your going to lay that decal on wet paint .it will wrinle up like a prune. Since you have time before you paint. I would get someone to cut you a paint mask on a vinyl cutter. It's a very easy one to do, and you'll be much happier with the sesult.


I've done something like this and it worked out fine. It took alot of clear to level out the surface though. It was quite a bit more involved image than the one you are trying to do. One other thing you have to watch out for is that sometimes the ink will bleed.

Like Brian said, since this is a fairly basic image you are trying to do, you can have a stencil made in the font of your choice and just paint it on with a regular spray gun. As far as the 'banner' background, you should be able to mask that off and paint it before the lettering.


New member
i had to do a norton tank that way last summer. but i agree with taz.your gonna use a bucket of clear to bury it. plus you must apply it to a dry surface. if you sink it into wet clear you will probably lock solvents in underneath .cyas
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New member
Thanks for the input guys. I'll look into stencil.
Another option that I have is my stepdaughter....here's some of her artwork..



Though these are ink/pencil sketches , she's just as good with a paint brush.

I have been after her for a couple years to do some work for me.....I think it's time I call in the BIG GUNS to get it done (her mother ;) )
She keeps using the excuse that she's never used automotive type paints and has only painted on canvas. Maybe the artists out there can tell me if there is THAT big of a difference that would justify her fears...