Woodgrain finish


New member
I'm looking for some help in finding colors for a woodgrain finish. i want the panel to look like regular wood but i dont know what color codes are for the colors to make the wood look.
Does anyone know that the color codes or mixing ratios are to make wood colors using PPG's deltron line?


New member
pretty much just mix a light tan color make it match your paint mix stick, from there you can use sem venom art fluid with root beer candy in it and use seran wrap to make the wood pattern, when thats done you can candy over with any color red yellow root beer and darken it to the tryp of wood you want. you can also airbrush knot holes with california gold and tweek your grains with the same color.

to make the wood pattern with seran you streach the wrap end to end and set it one the venom ( marbalizer) and release it to allow it to shrink in a straight line. pretty neat trick over all try a panel first,

you can also just airbrush all the wood grain with the cali gold but its a longer process


Staff member
There was an article in one of the magazines I received the month.
I can't remember the name (if I can remember, I'll post the mag name).
It was a pretty good article on how to do woodgrain, but it was shown using waterborne.


New member
You have a few variables involved here.
First, what is "regular wood"?
Yellow pine, walnut, cherry, teak, padauk, ebony, oak, ash, etc.
The colors are different for each type and cut of wood.

Second, What color are you spraying over?

Third, do you have a specific wood type, cut, or pattern you want to follow or match? If so, how about posting a reference image of it?


New member
You have a few variables involved here.<br>First, what is "regular wood"?<br>Yellow pine, walnut, cherry, teak, padauk, ebony, oak, ash, etc.<br>The colors are different for each type and cut of wood.<br><br>Second, What color are you spraying over?<br><br>Third, do you have a specific wood type, cut, or pattern you want to follow or match?  If so, how about posting a reference image of it?