Got flames, need color ideas!!!!!!


New member
Ok I have been wanting to build my own Harley for several years and I am putting it all together in my head first. I have decided on what it will look like as far as stretch, rake, etc but I am stumped on colors.

Now since I want this bike to grab attention and draw it to my paint work I want something flashy but not tacky so I am definately wanting Kandy colors. I was thinking either a bright green main color or possible dark blue like Cobalt. As for the flames I was thinking purple over the green main color or green over the blue color but dont know what to use for outline and I have never painted an outline so I was wondering what was the easiest method of getting that line down.

Once the flames are done I wanted to add small simple skulls here and there with a template, I was thinking about adding them with some white pearl to get the effect of the ghost bar and shield on the samples page.
Any advise, pics, or comments would be appreciated.



Try orange for the stripe. It will look good with those colors.


Candy royal blue base, Cobalt flames maybe with some marble if you dont put the skulls in, and a silver stripe. Simple but very nice.


New member
Originally posted by TWISTED:
Candy royal blue base, Cobalt flames maybe with some marble if you dont put the skulls in, and a silver stripe. Simple but very nice.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well if I go with a blue kandy its going to be ghost flames a tad darker than the main color...

Im pondering with flashy colors for now....


Flashy. You could go with a neon green fading back to neon yellow flames over the blue base.
This bike got me a lot of looks even for a riceburner.

Never had a problem being seen at night.


I did a job with a black base, silver marble,then cobalt blue. Added some intensifyer to the blue for the flames and a touch of ultra rainbow flake. Turned out awesome!!


For the green base I would go with siver base, House of Kolor lime gold kandy koncentrate, and I believe it's called organic green kandy koncentrate. The combo of green over the lime gold is really intense and you can darken the kandy to suit your tastes. Any kandy over silver is awesome. Purple flames will definitely grab attention. I would keep the green light and bright and go for a darker purple. Maybe ghost those skulls in the flames with House of Kolor rich pink pearl(it actually shifts to a blue)before applying the purple kandy. Silver stripe would look good or a yellow, orange or red, something medium tone between bright green and dark purple. Once the graphic is done hold some color swatches up to see what sets you off. Hope that helps, good luck


New member

As for the green thats exacltly what I had in mind, also the purple I am having a hard time with the exact color but I am new to all this Kandy paint. I have been doing it with just tinted clear but I am worried about a huge edge if I paint the flames. I had planned on painting everything silver met. then spraying the green but do I spray green with SG100?
then tape off flames, spray down silver and then purple concentrate in the SG100, then do skulls in the pink pearl then clear all, wet sand down to eliminate the edge, reclear again and wet sand/buff for final smooth finish....

Oh and I have never striped so should I use a paint pen or brush and will that leave a huge edge as well?



Okay, paint everything with silver, then I would tape out my flames. Spray the purple, I don't know what HOK purple kandy looks like, I've been using magenta and burple so you'll have to see what you like, you can mix the kandies for different colors. You can intercoat clear that if you like or just wait a few hours and then tape over the flames and spray lime gold kandy, this doesn't have to be a heavy coat because a little will change the greens look dramatically. then spray your organic green kandy. I would also spray the skulls before I spray the purple so you don't screw them up with the tape. taping for the flames and then the green should eliminate most of the edge and I don't think you'd want to spray your purple over the green (it might be cool looking but why find out on the actual project)I'm not sure if you know or not but the kandies are usually mixed with sg100 not finishing clear, I don't know if it makes a difference or not.

As for striping, I use a brush and have never used a pen so I can't say which is better, that probably depends on how steady you are. With a brush you can do a slash stripe, lots of slashes instead of a smooth line or you can tape the area and spray or brush your stripe on, there's a discussion on that some where on here, probably tips and tricks. most everything will leave an edge so enough coats of clear and planning out your design should reduce them.

Hope this all makes sense, good luck

I would also suggest getting any magazines on airbrushing and books. most of the magazines have articles on automotive airbrushing and there's at least on good book by Craig Fraser(he also has some good videos)


Re: Got flames, need color ideas!!!!!! *DELETED*

Post deleted by Scott F


New member
Ok so what your saying is silver met base, then tape the flames to be sprayed, spray on the purple kandy, then come back after thats cured and pull the tape, retape so that only the silver is exposed, spray down the green kandy, wait till that dryes, outline, then clear all. Wet sand to get rid of edges, peel, etc...then buff and admire

I was thinking the opposite, get it silver then all green kandy, then tape off flames, spray silver again and then purple kandy, undmask and outline then clear, sand buff.....thats where I will probably be getting a larger edge my way.


New member
Originally posted by reefkeeper429:
I painted my bike green with lime green flame. I sold that set, so now I'm sticking with the green but changing the flames to silver with a orange pinstripe. Here is a link to the photos. You can check out the colors together photo page The orange I used is a little too bright I think it needs to be a little darker or even purple or lime green would be cool
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">??No pics, empty??


You got it man! plan it, tape it, do it!

You will probably end up with a slight edge, but nothing like you would with all that build up.

Tried to see those pics, says album is empty.??


will someone try the link again and see if it will let you in? let me know


Just tried to view those pics and they came up fine, Nice work too!


Pics worked for me. You may have to sign in to yahoo to see them. I run on Yahoo/SBC DSL service so that may be the difference.
I like the long licks on the flames. Very nice.


New member

Ok now that I have a game plan a few more ?'s pop up....ok silver met base first over all, tape off flames but before I spray down the purple over the silver I can spray the skulls down with Pink pearl. Then spray the purple Kandy? About 3-4 coats? Will the skulls show up?

Once thats done can I go to painting the two green Kandys, stripe then clear.....about how many coats of clear? I usually go with 3 but I need enough to be able to sand the edges out....
