I may be using the term mid coat incorrectly. I had thought that the base red could be applied then the liquid crystal could be mixed into a dbc500 as a middle coat.
ah yes you could mix it with DBC500 and spray as a midcoat no problem
I may be using the term mid coat incorrectly. I had thought that the base red could be applied then the liquid crystal could be mixed into a dbc500 as a middle coat.
Mixed color must be mechanically shaken for 15–30 minutes to ensure pigmentsare properly dispersed.
Maybe thats why it was discontinued........also your color is a solid color you should easily see the diamond crystals on top with a flashlight. Also if your painter has never mixed up his paints before using them i would find a new painter. If i had some diamond i would be more than happy to do a sprayout but i only have the three i listed before